Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences among the World’s Top Young Universities

تعداد بازدید :223

The Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2023 is now released, and Kurdistan
University of Medical Sciences ranked 76.

The Young University Rankings list the world’s best universities that are 50 years old or younger.
The table is based on the same 13 performance indicators as the flagship THE World University
Rankings, but the weights have been adjusted.
The universities are judged across all their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer
and international outlook.
The 2023 ranking includes 605 universities. Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences ranked
second among Iranian universities after Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences.
Overall, Turkey leads asthe most-represented nation with 47 institutions, followed closely by India
with 45. Islamic Republic of Iran became the third most-represented nation, with 39 institutions.
Directorate of International Affairs of the University congratulates this achievement, and cherishes
the dedicated efforts made by all members of Kurdistan University of Medical Science.